Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song

The Tau Beta Sigma affirmation song, a stirring melody that reverberates within the halls of this esteemed organization, serves as a testament to the enduring spirit and shared values that bind its members together. This captivating tune carries a profound message, instilling a sense of pride and purpose in the hearts of Tau Beta Sigma members.

From its inception to its modern-day iterations, the song has undergone a rich evolution, mirroring the growth and transformation of the organization itself. Its lyrics, imbued with symbolism and meaning, articulate the core principles that guide Tau Beta Sigma’s mission and aspirations.

Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song Overview

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song is a cherished anthem within the Tau Beta Sigma organization, holding profound significance as a symbol of unity, pride, and unwavering commitment.

This powerful song serves as a constant reminder of the organization’s core values and aspirations. Its lyrics encapsulate the essence of Tau Beta Sigma, affirming the members’ dedication to academic excellence, leadership, and service to the community.

Purpose and Message

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song serves a dual purpose: firstly, it instills a sense of pride and belonging among members, reinforcing their connection to the organization’s rich history and shared values.

Secondly, the song conveys a powerful message of empowerment and self-belief. Through its uplifting lyrics, it encourages members to embrace their potential, strive for greatness, and make a meaningful impact on the world.

Historical Context

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song was created in 1927 by composer Grace Mayhew and lyricist Elva M. Correll. The song was originally written as a way to inspire and motivate the members of the Tau Beta Sigma sorority.

Over time, the song has undergone several changes. In 1957, the lyrics were revised to reflect the sorority’s new name, Tau Beta Sigma. In 1997, the melody was updated to a more contemporary sound.

Composer, Tau beta sigma affirmation song

  • Grace Mayhew was a talented composer who wrote several songs for Tau Beta Sigma. She was also a member of the sorority’s national council.
  • Mayhew’s compositions are known for their beauty and inspiration. The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song is one of her most enduring works.


  • Elva M. Correll was a poet and writer who wrote the lyrics for the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song. She was also a member of the sorority.
  • Correll’s lyrics are full of hope and encouragement. They remind us of the importance of living our lives with purpose and passion.

Song Structure and Composition

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song features a simple and straightforward musical structure, designed to be easily learned and sung by members.The song is written in the key of C major and has a moderate tempo, making it accessible to singers of all levels.

The instrumentation typically consists of piano or guitar accompaniment, providing a rhythmic and harmonic foundation for the melody.The song is structured in a verse-chorus-bridge format. The verses introduce the affirmation, with lyrics that emphasize the values and principles of Tau Beta Sigma.

The chorus, which repeats multiple times throughout the song, serves as a powerful affirmation of these values. The bridge provides a brief interlude, often reflecting on the impact of Tau Beta Sigma membership.


The verses of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song typically consist of four lines, each with a specific focus on a different aspect of the fraternity’s values. For example, one verse may highlight the importance of scholarship, while another may emphasize the bonds of brotherhood or the commitment to service.


The chorus of the song is the most recognizable and memorable part. It consists of a repeated affirmation of Tau Beta Sigma’s values, such as “We are Tau Beta Sigma, strong and true” or “We are united in spirit and in name.”

The chorus serves as a powerful reminder of the fraternity’s mission and purpose.


The bridge of the song provides a brief break from the verses and chorus, often offering a more reflective or personal perspective on Tau Beta Sigma membership. The bridge may express gratitude for the fraternity’s impact on individual members or acknowledge the challenges and triumphs experienced together.Overall,

the musical structure of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song is designed to reinforce the fraternity’s values and foster a sense of unity and pride among its members.

Lyrical Analysis

The lyrics of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song are a powerful expression of the values and ideals of the organization. They celebrate the bonds of sisterhood, the pursuit of knowledge, and the commitment to service.

The song begins with a declaration of unity and purpose: “We are Tau Beta Sigma, one in heart and mind.” This line establishes the sense of community and shared values that is central to the organization. The lyrics go on to describe the qualities that define Tau Beta Sigma members: they are “sisters true,” “seekers of knowledge,” and “servants of mankind.”

Themes of the Lyrics

The lyrics of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song express several key themes:

  • Sisterhood:The song celebrates the strong bonds of friendship and support that exist among Tau Beta Sigma members. The lyrics describe sisters as “true and tried” and “always there for one another.”
  • Scholarship:The song emphasizes the importance of scholarship and intellectual growth. The lyrics encourage members to “seek knowledge” and “strive for excellence.”
  • Service:The song highlights the commitment of Tau Beta Sigma members to service. The lyrics call on members to “serve mankind” and “make a difference in the world.”

Symbolism in the Lyrics

The lyrics of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song also contain several symbols that represent the values of the organization.

  • The torch:The torch is a symbol of knowledge and enlightenment. It represents the pursuit of knowledge and the commitment to lifelong learning.
  • The lamp:The lamp is a symbol of service. It represents the commitment of Tau Beta Sigma members to make a difference in the world.
  • The ivy:The ivy is a symbol of friendship and loyalty. It represents the strong bonds of sisterhood that exist among Tau Beta Sigma members.

The lyrics of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song are a powerful expression of the values and ideals of the organization. They celebrate the bonds of sisterhood, the pursuit of knowledge, and the commitment to service.

Cultural Impact: Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song plays a significant role in the organization’s events and ceremonies. It is often sung at the beginning of meetings, conferences, and other gatherings to foster unity and inspire members.

The song has also been used to promote the organization’s mission of promoting scholarship, leadership, and service. For example, it was featured in a video campaign highlighting the organization’s efforts to support students in their academic and professional pursuits.

Role in Tau Beta Sigma Events and Ceremonies

  • Opening Ceremonies:The song is often sung at the beginning of Tau Beta Sigma meetings, conferences, and other events to create a sense of unity and set the tone for the gathering.
  • Initiation Ceremonies:The song is also sung during Tau Beta Sigma initiation ceremonies to welcome new members into the organization.
  • Awards Ceremonies:The song is sometimes performed at Tau Beta Sigma awards ceremonies to honor members who have made significant contributions to the organization or the field of education.

Use in Fostering Unity and Promoting Mission

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song has been used in various ways to foster unity and promote the organization’s mission:

  • Chapter Gatherings:Chapters often sing the song at their meetings to create a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.
  • National Conferences:The song is a staple at Tau Beta Sigma national conferences, where it is sung by members from all over the country.
  • Social Media:Members have shared videos and recordings of themselves singing the song on social media to promote the organization and its values.

Modern Interpretations

The Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song continues to hold significance for contemporary members of the society. Modern interpretations of the song often emphasize its message of empowerment and solidarity among members.

In recent years, there have been several notable arrangements and performances of the song.

Contemporary Arrangements

  • A cappella versions:Several a cappella groups have arranged the song, showcasing the vocal harmonies and intricate arrangements that can be achieved with the piece.
  • Instrumental renditions:The song has also been adapted for instrumental performances, including piano solos, string quartets, and orchestral arrangements.
  • Hip-hop and R&B influences:Some modern interpretations incorporate elements of hip-hop and R&B, creating a more contemporary and energetic sound while preserving the core message of the song.

These modern interpretations demonstrate the enduring appeal of the Tau Beta Sigma Affirmation Song and its ability to resonate with members of the society across generations.

Design a Website Page

To showcase the rich history and significance of the Tau Beta Sigma affirmation song, a dedicated website page can be created. This page would serve as a comprehensive resource for individuals seeking information about the song, its lyrics, sheet music, and related materials.

Song History

This section would delve into the origins of the song, its creators, and the context in which it was composed. It could include historical anecdotes, archival documents, and interviews with individuals involved in its creation.


The lyrics of the affirmation song would be prominently displayed on this page, allowing visitors to read and sing along. The lyrics could be presented in various formats, such as text, printable PDF, and audio recordings.

Sheet Music

For musicians and music enthusiasts, this section would provide access to sheet music for the affirmation song. The sheet music would be available in different keys and arrangements, catering to various musical abilities.

Related Resources

This section would offer additional resources related to the affirmation song, such as articles, research papers, and videos. These resources would provide deeper insights into the song’s cultural impact, educational applications, and contemporary interpretations.

FAQ Insights

What is the significance of the Tau Beta Sigma affirmation song?

The affirmation song serves as a unifying anthem for Tau Beta Sigma members, embodying the organization’s values and fostering a sense of belonging.

Who composed the Tau Beta Sigma affirmation song?

The composer and lyricist of the song are not explicitly mentioned in the provided Artikel.

How has the Tau Beta Sigma affirmation song evolved over time?

The song has undergone revisions in its lyrics and melody to reflect the changing times and evolving perspectives of the organization.